Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Good Boys Listen..."

I found this post in my draft pile and realized i never posted it...well not much has changed, he's still excited to go to school every week, and I'm loving the extra free time with it is, just a little

Andrew started a new preschool last week, and so far is loving it! We made the decision to pull him out of his old preschool because he would often come home complaining about how he disliked his teacher and the school. He was never excited to get up in the morning and head off to school. After I attended the recent preschool night hosted by Las Madres, I found a school, well actually a teacher and fell in love. Ms. Maggie is the greatest! It's only been a week, and Andrew is excited to go to school, and has already learned so much!

He got a new Spiderman backpack and all. He was also given his first homework assignment yesterday, and wanted to complete it the minute we got home. I captured some of his excitement.

Andrew often comes up to me several times a day and says "Mom, good boys listen," I really don't know where he got that from, or why he feels the need to say it over and over on a daily basis, but one thing I want him to know is that "Good Mommy's Listen!" I'm glad I listened to him and my gut when I decided to pull him out of his other school. He is so happy and learning so much at his new school. Andrew is a good boy, and he does listen :)